Monday, March 16, 2009

Seven mental steps to self-development!

Our mind is the greatest asset that we carry in our physical body. It is both an engine and an engineer that drives us. It can make you, on the one hand, the ‘richest person’ in the world, but on the other hand, it can hinder your every progress and hold you back in such a way that you just don’t get anything out of life and remain poor.

By ‘rich’, I mean, rich in all aspects of life, not just wealth – rich in both physical and mental manifestations. And in contrast, poor in these same respects.

One can, however, eradicate the mental blockades by proper education, training and practice. Here are seven simple mental steps that can free you from any sort of mental blockade.

1) Learn - Whatever you intend to be, have, or do, you need to have an education. And often than not, our basic education remains full of potholes, which makes our life-track irregular and bumpy. Just have a look at the so-called ‘Certified Educated mob’ that is emerging everyday now-a-days. What is their state? How good are they with their ‘bookish knowledge’? The successful among them do have something extra. Get that extra.

2) Be focused - The environment is such that it is very easy to get distracted. Distraction is caused both by greed and frustration. There are so many provocations and temptations around with so much promise, that greed, rather than desire, easily creeps in. Stay away from such provocations. Control your temptation. Say to yourself, “I must have some quality before acquiring a ‘certain desired thing’. Now, do I have that quality?” Build the quality first and then go for the goals. And have belief in this statement. Watch a soccer match. Suppose you wish to be soccer player and want to play for Manchester United. Now, can you just go out one day, get into the field in Man.U. shirts and play quality soccer? Can you give a pass to Ronaldo or Roonie to score? Can you score from a Ronaldo cross? The goal is the netted 3 piece goalpost, which is the target for all soccer players. Do you know how many years of life and how much time each day these players WASTE in order to become top target hitters? So stay focused on your goals and avoid temptation.

3) Don’t Quit – The other reason for distraction is frustration. It is when we quit without getting anything back on our initial investments. Now-a-days, we want & love to reap the result with little or no effort. Generally, the results don’t come as we hope. We easily get frustrated. And the obvious result is – we quit. Quitting a job makes you idle. And who doesn’t know that ‘the idle brain is the devil’s workshop’. So don’t quit. If you are not getting the results you have hoped for, then there must be something wrong, in particular with you. Find out what it is and correct it.

4) Do the Job – What job are you in? An insignificant one, do you say? A job is a necessity, just as both rice and bread are staple foods, or a cotton shirt or a jeans and jacket are general clothes. Do your job cordially and with conviction. Do not complain. If you complain, you are not liable to reap the rewards that you expect. If you don’t like your job, then why do it in the first place? And if you have nowhere to go, then what is the point about complaining? Love your job just as you love your food or love your holiday destination. That will bring out more productivity from you. And, after all, what do you need most for high rewards – high productivity, isn’t it?

5) Don’t expect reward – Rewards are not asked for, they are given. If you expect a reward for everything, it is a temptation that will distract you from your focus - your goals. Do not expect reward at each and everything that you do. Reward will come on its own. If the job is executed well, the reward will be well-bestowed. Shift your mind from expecting rewards to executing the job at hand in the most appropriate and proficient manner. Rewards will come. To every cause, there is an effect. If the cause perfects its role well, the effect will do the same.

6) Cherish your job – Do your job lovingly and cherish it. Enjoy doing what you are doing. Imagine that you have the best job in the world. Believe that you are the best in your field. Then stand up and deliver. Who knows, you might come up with the most bizarre, awe-inspiring thing! Most often than not, that had been the case with most of the vibrant, famous and successful achievers. Go through history and you’ll get a heap of names with such stories.

7) Don’t count money – The most amazing and extra-ordinary truth about money is that it always counts less every time it is counted. Counting reduces your store of money. Why do we count? In order to satisfy ourselves that it has at least remained the same, if not magically increased. ‘Even Della counted it three times and each time it was $1.87’ (The Gift of the Magi). So money is not to be counted, money is to be weighed. Weigh it until it feels heavier than what you have hoped for. Ok, I will give you a task. Do this sincerely. Start charting your normal daily expenses from day 1 of a given month. You’ll be amazed to see how your average monthly expenditure will rise. And you won’t have a clue how it happens. Do this exercise as a trial. Then stop counting.

Best of Luck!

Now OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE and enjoy a better life.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why do we need Self-development?

It is said that we, human beings, are the most developed species that have trodden the face of the Earth. And yet we need assistance for self-development. Why? Isn’t it funny?

Well, the reason is that nothing in this Universe, other than nature, is full and complete in every respect. Even though we are more developed in our skills and abilities, and are blessed with the power of thought, we also lack some of the aspects that we should have, for example, in our character, belief system and behavior, than other forms of life. Animals, however, as we know, are driven by instinct, two instincts to be precise – the instinct of hunger and the instinct of reproducing. Humankind, however, has one unique gift – the mind - which enables it to urge for more comfort and look for it wherever possible.

This urge for a better life, developed from very early in the process of evolution. This led to the realization that extra qualities were needed to progress to higher levels of civilization. The result was, on one hand, the innumerable discoveries and inventions that continue to provide us with outer comfort. However, humankind has remained dissatisfied, reflected by their perpetual struggle for inner comfort.

The self-development programs are therefore here to assist us in finding that inner comfort. Ideas and ideologies have been poured into the consciousness of human knowledge through eons of careful thought. Starting with the ancient Egyptians, the Indus Valley people, the Mesopotamians and other successive civilizations, self-development continues to occupy the minds of great thinkers. In the same way as diversities in geography have given rise to diversities in culture, so diversities in thought and belief systems have given rise to diversified outlook about our existence on this planet as well as the existence of our universe. After all, that is the core question we continue to ask. It has four parts: Who are we? Where have we come from? What are our purposes? What is our destination? The answers to these basic questions, is the true comfort we seek for our inner self.

Even though we may be born with these answers within us, they do not immediately become known to us. Our childhood days are the time that these answers either flash before us or get lost in oblivion, and for most of us, forever.

‘Environment makes a man what he is’ is not just a proverb, it is a fact. Environment does more to us than our genes. And it is this right environment that produces people like Krishna, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohamed the prophet, and a lot more, in every field of human endeavor. And by right environment, I mean, parents with a positive attitude, proper education that develops wisdom, and a community with ‘healthy habits.’ This ideal environment can be created by altering our views of life. When we are able to achieve that, our self-development will start.

One of the primary steps that one can take to alter one’s environment for self development is by reading books. So start by reading books and begin right now. Reading unlocks the blinkered mind. It energizes dead brain cells. It banishes all negative thoughts and emotions. It transfers you to another sphere of reality. So find your way to achieving your full potential and start reading now. Then follow the footsteps of the great masters. Attain your self-development.

OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE to bring greater meaning to your life.